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Rockets represent what we do. 

We create communications that are exciting, conspicuous, and compelling.

 But rockets are not successful without a coordinated, exceptional team to guide them with bona fide vision and a detailed plan to complete each mission successfully.


Camp captures how we work. 


Anyone who went to summer camp understands it: the feeling of being embraced by a unique and special group of people, bonded through a common experience. Why wouldn't we strive to build that kind of place to work? Not to mention that camp generally encourages:


  • Problem-solving skills

  • Self-reliance

  • Creative expression

  • An environment where belonging, learning, and contributing build community

Because it translates to everything that we do, both as an agency and for our clients. We look out for one another. We collaborate so we make smart choices. We are strategic in our vision and ambitious with our goals. And we strive to create memorable experiences for everyone involved.

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We have a core team with deep strategic and creative expertise but we also leverage a powerful network to execute deliverables based on client needs, whether that be video production, web development, media buying, public relations, or other specialties. Our approach prioritizes developing a strong foundation for the brand from which all creative communications will derive, which allows us to build a bespoke team to execute specific plans for specific clients—without expecting any client to pay for extra resources and overhead they don't need.


Rob Cherof

Founder & President


Ashley Wells

Head of Strategy


Jasmine Ruffin

Special Projects Manager


Christy McCreery

Managing Partner


Claire Maxwell

Account Manager


Judith Hoffman

Head of Production


Caroline Koch

Account Supervisor


Lindsay Zarczynski

Creative Director

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