Atlanta Regional Commission
Day Camp
Comms & Media Playbook
Targeted Digital Campaign
102% lift in monthly users
81% overall CTR
$1.11 overall CPC
Empowerline is a service whose goal is to facilitate access to comprehensive resources that address the needs of the aging and disabled populations in the Metro Atlanta area.
We were tasked to provide a strategic communications guide that would identify opportunities for Empowerline to reach their audiences with relevant information at the most impactful moments, in the most critical places. The guide would also serve to help Empowerline prioritize their resources and budgets in the future.
Our initial outreach campaign included targeted digital ads in prioritized metro area zip codes, as well as Google search ads. Messages were focused on older people seeking resources and/or services across a variety of needs (home modifications, meal deliveries, help with transportation, etc.), as well as caregivers who may be seeking help on behalf of and older friend or loved one. With a modest budget over a period of two months, the messaging had an 81% overall CTR and created a 102% lift in monthly users to their website.